Common Questions & Answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of disclosing at work that I have ADHD? Disclosing your ADHD may influence the judgement of your employer. But no disclosure means no adjustments and no protective rights. 
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Should I disclose my ADHD at Work

Telling the boss you have ADHD is a big decision and not to be done casually. Dr. Ari Tuckman has some advice on when and why you might disclose at work — and when you might not  ‘I think if the question is: Do you disclose at work? That’s a little bit more complicated because the rest of our life does not have human resources law applied to it. Dr. Ari Tuckman says ‘I think if you have a boss who seems understanding, if you have co-workers who seem understanding, perhaps’ 
Watch now on Broadcasting ADHD Europe (1 hour 41 minutes)

Short Videos

How can I improve Communication at Work? Requesting accomodations might not be an option.  Having ADHD can make communication difficult in the workplace. Requesting accommodations isn’t always an option. Melissa Orlov offers some ideas on how you can address ADHD challenges to communication and productivity without using ADHD as an excuse.  Watch now

Implications in the Workplace

In October 2018, the ADHD Awareness Month committee published a declaration in various languages in the hope that employers can develop awareness about ADHD and have appropriate supportive structures in place so that they can recognize why otherwise competent and knowledgeable employees are underperforming and unable to hold their own in the workplace. View and download the Declaration. (Available in various languages)


ADHD Europe has partnered with ADHD Awareness Month Coalition is to educate the public about ADHD. The Coalition members include the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), and Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) 

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