Thank you for wanting to contact ADHD Europe.
Due to high volume of emails that we receive from the public, we have updated our contact form to accomoodate you as much as possible and to better faciliate our workplan and objectives.
For enquiries about individual support, access to diagnosis or treatment or availabilites of medication – please view the list of suggestions at the bottom of this form. We have included some possible suggestions, and have weblinks in the buttons below.
Should you be wanting to be in touch with us about individual support, access to diagnosis or treatment or availabilites of medication. Please view the list of suggestions at the bottom of this form. We have included some possible suggestions, and have weblinks in the buttons below.
Individual support – ADHD Europe is an umbrella organisation. We suggest that you visit our facebook page, contact a member organisation in Europe, or google for help in your country. Should you not find an organisation in your country below, we kindly request that you ask your ADHD question on ADHD Europe’s Public Facebook Group to ask for recommedations or search the history as many people ask and reply to questions here. (Button below)
Information and Support Services to make changes in your country – We do understand that in some countries lack information and resources. If you would like to make change in your country and start a ‘grass roots’ charity, contact us so that we can guide you with what the process entails. . Most recently, an individual contacted us to make change in Estonia, they formed a charity with like-minded individuals, and are supporting people living with ADHD in their country. Please complete the form above and choose the category ‘Information on Charities’ and one of our board members shall be in touch with you (Scroll to top)
Access to diagnosis / treatment (medication and other non pharmalogical treatments / multi-modal treatments) – Unfortunately, ADHD Europe do not offer referrals if you are seeking a medical professional in your country for healthcare services. We suggest you choose one of the following options below by clicking one of the buttons below.
If you living in Europe, we have the access to diagnosis & treatment survey which offers good information about specific countries that have provided us with information. Should your organisation wish to participate by contributing information from your country that might not be included in this survey (link below) kindly contact us by selecting the category above ‘Survey Contribution’ (scroll above)
Our European member organisations are available to help you, if you contact them directly. Alternatively, we suggest that you contact a patient organisation in your country by searching on google or the internet or ask on the public facebook page.
Should your enquiry relate to ‘becoming a member‘ of ADHD Europe, we invite you read about the criteria and types of membership to join us to participate in our activities and/or collaborate efforts for awareness raising. Our members are international, however organisational members are within Europe due to being member states in the European Union.
We invite you to visit ADHD Europe’s ‘about section’ on our website to better familiarize yourself with our European Umbrella Non-Profit charity and also invite you to become a member with us.
Disclaimer – ADHD Europe is not a clinical platform are not medical healthcare professionals however, from time to time we disseminate evidenced based information that we receive from our approved network of professionals. Please refer to our homepage detailing who we are, what we do and our objectives for people living with ADHD.
Public Facebook Group
European Organisations
Survey – Access to Diagnosis / Treatment in Europe
If you still need to contact us, we welcome you to email us. Kindly email us at info(at) with your name, email address, country and why you are contacting us.
© ADHD Europe. | Rue Washington 40, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium | Privacy Policy