This form is for individual members who are based in Europe or internationally and are interested in ADHD, are adults who have ADHD, parents, or relatives of people with ADHD . The cost of individual membership is 25€ per year.
Your membership
- is automatic with an option to pay direct.
- means you do not have voting rights at our Annual General Meetings and the power to call Extra-Ordinary Meeting in accordance with our Articles of Association. You are most welcome to join our Annual General Meetings and working group committee meetings.
A little check list before completing this form
- Read the criteria of membership here
- Reviewed our Articles of Association (statutes) here
- know how we handle your informationwhen completing this form via our privacy policy (here) policy (here).
Please note that for help in Europe, you can contact any of our organanisational members or you can ask your question on our public facegroup group.