Research > New Brain Nutrition > Eat2BeNice

Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive & Externalizing behaviours

The Project

The Eat2BeNice Project started in on1 September 2017 with an end date on  28 February 2023. During this time, ADHD Europe gave input as described below with our member organisation, ADDISS and assisted in dissemination activites by sharing information on our European communication channels and more. Funding for this project was awarded via the  European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant agreement ID: 728018. 

Eat2beNICE combined the expertise of 18 partners around Europe with the aims 

(1) to identify nutrition and lifestyle drivers that can be employed to prevent detrimental impulsivity/ compulsivity in males and females across the lifespan

(2) to characterize the etiologic paths leading to extreme behaviour

(3) to promote policy changes to counteract maladaptive impulsivity/compulsivity by disseminating evidence-based information about health-related behaviours to families, clinicians, policy makers, and general public.

ADHD Europe Involvement

Andrea Bilbow, past President of ADHD Europe (2014-2020) was responsible for the collaboration of ADDISS (national organisation based in UK, partner of the research consortium) and our ourselves ADHD Europe during the timeframe of the project.  However, due to the Covid pandemic partners and participants had to learn to navigate the complexity of the novel restrictions that humanity had to endure.Nevertheless, the Eat2beNICE project worked hard to achieve its goals. Both patient support organsations on both national and european level were able attend various workshops and annual partner meetings (face-to-face and online) when research was presented with outcomes to all project partners. These scientific outcomes gave the opportunities for the patient support organisations to voice the actual lived experience of people living with ADHD to give a better understanding to researchers against their research. The research list is 

  1. Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs; PROBIA, VANTASTIC, TRACE) – information on behavior, the brain (structure and function), gut bacteria, physical activity and nutritional parameters in order to characterize the effects diet has on human behavior
  2. Behavioral and biological variables from population samples (BiBO, BiNGO, LORA and ECPBHS), engaged thousands of our stakeholders through our website, scientific papers, (cooking and educational) videos and blogs
  3. Multiple scientific papers, joined multiple internationals scientific and patient meetings
  4. Nutritional drivers affecting the risk of behavioral impairment in population based data and in animal models
  5. Characterization of the relationship between gut bacteria, host genetics and behavior. All of these with the highest standards of ethics and privacy

Project Information

On the website (link below)  you will be able to find

  • Online cookbook to download (practical tips, recipesm background information and videos)
  • Educational talks by Eat2beNICE experts / researchers from various universities and Dr. Alejandro Arias Vásquez on the link between the gut and the brain
  • An easy-to-follow dictionary to quickly learn the list terms about New Brain Nutrition when it comes to anxiety, brain health, compulsivity, impulsivity,  supplements, microbiome, Mediterranean Diet, Elimination Diet,  micronutrients and more …/
  • Blogs written by researchers and early career researchers
  • Cooking for your brain by the Celebrity Chef and Nutritionist Sebastian Lege with easy-to-do recipes with nutritional tips to live a healthier life, both mentally and physically

More information

Further Information

Thank you for visiting our website below are references which contains information about the facts of ADHD, book recommendations for all, common questions and answers about ADHD,  articles and videos by International Experts sharing their medical knowledge and best practices, literature and scientific publications, Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis & Treatment of ADHD, diagnositic tools, ADHD Europe Official Declarations (In the Workplace, Girls & Women, Help! My Teenager is Becoming an Adult), ADHD Europe survey about the situation with regards to Access to Diagnosis & Treatment in Europe, ADHD Awareness, ADHD Research.

ADHD Awareness

ADHD Europe collaborate with global coalitions  whot together with us to tackle issues to combat stigma & discrimination by sharing information which is informative for the public and can be used in society.


One of our key priorities is to promote the collaboration of scientific research into ADHD with evidence-based information



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