One of our key priorities is to promote the collaboration of scientific research into ADHD with evidence-based information and supporting the efforts of its members who provide support for children, adolescents, adults, parents and families, employers and other professionals who work with them across Europe, in an effort to combat ignorance, stigma and intolerance with regard to ADHD across Europe. We advocate for the right of people living with ADHD on various platforms and when policy makers are in attendance at the European Parliament based in Brussels, Belgium.
ADHD Europe’s role in research projects is
Below by clicking more information on each research project you will find a summary of the project with aims, support organisation activites , various investigations carried out by researchers, public information with evidenced based information that is easy and understandable to grasp for everyone with/without ADHD.
Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive & Externalizing behaviours
Co-morbid analsys of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy
Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients
Investigates the clinical, cellular and molecular aspects of ADHD and autism
MiND is a pan-European training network MiND (mastering skills in the training Network for attention deficit hyperactivity and autism spectrum Disorders) aims to educate a new generation of researchers in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders, through innovation-oriented research combined with highly
interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral international training. ADHD-Europe is a patient representative in this project and sits on the Ethics Committee. We contributed to training, dissemination and the production of an awareness raising video.
Investigates the shared causal mechanisms of ADHD, depression, substance abuse and obesity. An intervention study with light therapy and exercise aims to improve quality of life
The CoCa Project (
CoCA studies comorbidity between the most
frequent psychiatric conditions, ADHD, mood /
anxiety and substance use disorders, and a
highly prevalent somatic disease, obesity.
Our President, Andrea Bilbow, sits on the
Scientific Ethical Advisory Board and the
Impact Board of this project and attends
regular face to face meetings around Europe.
The Scientific Ethical Advisory Board
SEAB is a consultative body, which is formed to ensure and improve the scientific
performance and the quality of results of CoCA. The members of the SEAB will be
invited to the annual GA meetings in order to monitor the progress of work, to
assess the scientific quality and to give feed-back to the Consortium members.
The SEAB will also consider and mention any ethical issues which might require
(stronger) attention in their feed-back. It has an independent advisory position
that includes possible reporting of critical issues to the EC, so that safeguarding
of the project is ensured. The patient voice is represented at each meeting of this
The Impact Board
The Impact Board is responsible for designing a structured communication plan
for dissemination and the exploitation of program results and will monitor the
steps being taken. Together with the Project Management Office it oversees the
comprehensive internal and external dissemination of project results and
knowledge. ADHD Europe received €7,000 for participating in this project in 2019.
Investigates aggression in ADHD and conduct disorder
Study long-term safety in ADHD treatment during November 2011 and April 2016
Thank you for visiting our website below are references which contains information about the facts of ADHD, book recommendations for all, common questions and answers about ADHD, articles and videos by International Experts sharing their medical knowledge and best practices, literature and scientific publications, Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis & Treatment of ADHD, diagnositic tools, ADHD Europe Official Declarations (In the Workplace, Girls & Women, Help! My Teenager is Becoming an Adult), ADHD Europe survey about the situation with regards to Access to Diagnosis & Treatment in Europe, ADHD Awareness, ADHD Research.
ADHD Europe collaborate with global coalitions whot together with us to tackle issues to combat stigma & discrimination by sharing information which is informative for the public and can be used in society.
One of our key priorities is to promote the collaboration of scientific research into ADHD with evidence-based information
ADHD Women
Risk & Resilence in Developmental Diversity and Mental Health
Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients
Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive & Externalizing behaviours
Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe
Co-morbid analsys of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy
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